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Bloomfield Township, MI

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Bloomfield Township, MI Location

Land Surveying & Plot Planning for Bloomfield Township, MI

Bloomfield Township, MI is the perfect location to complete all your grand land development plans. With more than 41,000 people in the township and over 643,000 in Detroit, there are plenty of people around to appreciate whatever it is you intend to do with your property. But first, you will want to have a land survey and plot planning done.

It is unwise to get started on any sort of construction or landscaping project on a property unless you are familiar with the boundaries. Even if you have owned a parcel of land for years, you will want to know exactly what property is your and what is your neighbor’s. Crossing a property line and skipping land surveying could cost you hundreds, thousands, and even bankrupt your project entirely.


Contact Our Civil Engineers Today!

When you want to get your land surveying and plot planning done sooner rather than later, Urban Land Consultants, LLC has the team of civil engineers to call. Since being founded in 1965, we have played a key role in the development of our community. We know our Bloomfield Township, MI community, and we are extremely familiar with the land in our area.

We welcome you to reach out should you ever require land surveying, plot planning, our other civil engineering services. With a free consultation from us, you will know exactly what to expect. 

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